We've developed a different unity ceremony concept that is unique, lasting, and something to display in your home, forever.
It's Unity in Glass. Instead of sand, you'll be combining your color selection in the form of glass crystals that are specially formulated for glass blowing. The crystals themselves are beautiful, and will compliment your wedding. We've made this our full time job with the goal of providing an amazing product, and a level of customer service that's spectacular (read our reviews).
Flowers (check), Photographer (check), Guest List (check), and on and on and on. How will you commemorate and remember this beautiful day? There are the photographs of course and the wedding ring- how about the unity ceremony? What if a unity ceremony keepsake could last forever? The classic unity candle really doesn't display well in your home, and the sand ceremony? Well, it might look nice for a year or two.
Our glass crystals are gorgeous.
After the wedding, the mixture is sent back to our glass blowing studio (this is our sole business, so you have our undivided attention, and expertise). We provide a pre-paid mailer to return the glass crystals to our studio. (US only- international customers will need to provide postage).
In the studio, an experienced team takes over, transforming the glass crystals that you combined during your wedding into your choice of a unity ceremony glass sculpture, a bowl, or vase.
We're here every step of the way- from assistance with color selection, to helping you find wording for your unity ceremony.
The final results of this unique unity ceremony idea have been spectacular.
This Blog post is made to share some of what we know about our darkest color, Jet Black